Finally home
I was still in the mist of my dreams when i reached changi airport. Then someone said someone that jolted me from my dream making me realise that I'm truly home. "Kan ni na bu chao chee bye!" was what greeted me at the airport as two airport cleaner stood at a corner cursing the daylights out of their other collegue. Although it sounds really vaulgar but it is a wonderful wake up call. As I thought 'Ah.... I'm home!!' Then as I step on the row waiting for a cab this auntie double confirmed my doubts of i'm really home. 'Eh how manli peeople arh?' With her broken english I confirmed that I am truly home. Heheheheheeh I was greeted by my used to be fatty brother who is now slim n kawaii!!! Muhahahahaa and my teddy rock who smiled at me eversince i got home..... n my erm.... bed....where good dreams begin.! Ok off to eat char kuey teow now so till then, buai~!