Here a blog entry dedicated to my buddy penny san!
today i called penny and happily she told me michi is here! yes michi the love of her life is here! heheheheh must be feeling excited right??
To this wonderful and very pretty buddy of mine who saves me countless times, sent me to hospital patiently waited for me, who is always there for me no matter when I cry or through happy times, cooking for me when I was so sick thank you so so much for being there for me, ur friendship is the best thing that I gained in murdoch uni, feel so sad that you be returning to singapore soon. Remember the times when I told you that I'm just a wondering soul in murdoch uni? Well, all thanks to you for chatting wit me on msn till 3am in the morn, coming over to see me console me, I've picked myself up now n my life is back on tracks. But please no matter where you are what you do please keep in contact ok? I'm going to miss you so much! Remember our phrase? HUAT ARH!! Can't believe a year just pass us by so fast with so much drama in my life but but but thanks for being there for me ur friendship is priceless! All the best to ur future and pls when u marry michi remember to invite me har! :) oh ya keep the cabin crew dream alive!
Lots n lots of love to this wonderful girl sincerely,
Eyvon or affectionately known to u as min li!!!!!
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